Monday, November 13, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

...i got an email telling me how many people visit this page per day from my stat tracking people today, and i thought, 'hey, it's been a while since i posted anything'...thank you to everyone who stops by...

...a few weeks back andy chao and ryan chappel rolled into town, and in the middle of goofing off with my camera we shot the glass of vengeance is half full, a short about andy helping ryan overcome his fear of an evil twin through the mystical power of a drinking glass...we shot the whole thing backwards, then reversed the was a big ball of experimental film fun, let me tell you...i need to get it up some time soon...

...i love making shorts and experimentals, but i've come to the point where i really want to make a feature...slowly but surely i've been working on a script...i've received a lot of great feedback about the cold burn from people, and it's allowed me to meet a lot of people interested in film making here in louisville...that's where i'm devoting a lot of energy right now...

...two things i thought you might want to check out...the first is a guy who is watching all of the criterion collection film, and reviewing them one by one: here....also, my pal nick oberg of fame made a very cool short for his nick oberg show series...see it below...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

two very cool bits of news...

...the cold burn has won the 48 hour film festival audience award, and the best graphics award for it's faux rear-projection scenes...very cool...

...also, is up, and being put together...

Monday, August 21, 2006

...'the oberg express' rolled through louisville over the weekend, followed by 'the tyler fritts caboose of love'...

...tyler has wanted to be on the 'nick oberg show' for awhile now, so we decided to make was late and i didn't feel like dealing with camera set-ups, so we went a different route...'s not done yet, should be soon...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

...brick (a.k.a. the best movie i've seen so far this year -though little miss sushine is getting better and better the more i reflect on it) is coming out on dvd this coming tuesday...the 8th i think...check it out...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

...i just returned from an advanced (for louisville) screening of little miss sunshine, and i recomend it...highly...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

...hey, i found one of the other films from the 48 hour fest on youtube that i enjoyed, so i thought i'd pass it

Saturday, July 29, 2006

...this is our entry into the 2006 louisville 48 hour films festival...we were told to use a napkin as a prop, have a retired cop namned nate wardman, and use the line "i promise it won't happen again." ...2 days later we returned with a noir/comedy/road movie with visual references ranging from François Truffaut, to Fritz Lang, and Micheal Mann..., here you go, for those who didn't make it out to the theater, i give you (on a small crappy quality computer monitor rather than a huge screen that it wass shot to be on) the cold burn...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

...hey, we got some 'press'...megan, tyler, and myself can be found in the 'party crasher' section of louisville's entertainment paper 'velocity'...

...we're currently on the front page of the website at , and here is a direct link to the section...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

...due to the volume of tickets pre-ordered, you can now see the cold burn ay 7:00pm, 7:15pm, and 9:15pm at the village 8 in louisville ky wednesday night..., here are some behing the scenes snaps taken by tinsley carter...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

you can watch the cold burn, directed by myself and starring john carter on wednseday july26th at the village 8 theaters in louisville ky...shows at 7:00 and 9:15...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

...we did it...we made a movie in 48 hours...more details tomarrow, as i have only slept 6 of those 48, and am headed to bed...good times...


Saturday, July 22, 2006

...the 48 hour film fest is underway..."'s pretty good," john carter tells me...

Monday, July 10, 2006 can be found an update on our progress with the next big and enjoy...

...also, i'm officialy living in louisville time you find yourself in the cherokee triangle come on by...

...more big news...for kicks, some pals and i are entering one of those 48 hour films fests...right on...should be fun...check out more info here...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

...started working high gear on the next big movie project today...i am also packing and could possibly have a bruised lung...anyway, here's a video update on our project...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

...packing and moving is lame...a home outside the land of white jesus is rad...inbetween all that the bad(.) ass(.) looking mother fucker down on the end and i are writting a movie...he's the sharpest tool in the shed, so fingers crossed -and things of that nature...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

here's a poster for what we've been working are some pics on nick's site of us shooting it...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

somewhere around 7am exhaustion set in...things became blurry...things got funnier, then more exhausting...then just was time to put the mouse down..., we just got up....corey is still asleep...we have a short film to finish editing...after a quick visit to to see if there were any pictures of ourselves up i came here...

...should have a movie up at some point today...maybe the next...

Friday, June 09, 2006

a few years back i read that they were re-making
the graduate and just about threw my computer though the wall...thankfully it turned out to be that jennifer aniston/kevin costner thing. now -in my more zen like older age- i'm reading that they are re-making the seven samurai and i'm just thinking, 'wow, that's silly.' long as they don't re-make
throne of blood...

...well...i guess they did with scotland, pa...
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