Tuesday, October 25, 2005

oh yeah!...my bad...forgot to say...shot the bulk of a music video over the weekend for the stay gold dvd...it'll be funny...you can take my word on that...i have some 'making of' pics to put up but i'm too lazy at the moment...so stay tuned for that...

...the bloodline dvd should be done in...oh...say...2-3 weeks...most likely 2...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

...the video shoot went well...the one next weekend should go better...i'll try and put up some grabs from it today, deppending on how much i get eddited...until then here are some random pics people took while we were making bloodline...

here we are at the post party

setting up one of the night shots with the killer

i think this is us spending way too much time lining up the front end of a car in a shot...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

random pic from waking up is a hard thing to do...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

dvd time

...spent the day doing interviews and recording commentary tracks with eagle for the bloodline dvd...i think the plan is to have a limited number printed up by mid-november, and see how it does in the festivals before we print a large number up...

...next weekend we'll be shooting a music video, so rock and roll...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

a little alone time

...yeah i'm alive...thanks for asking... ...i started shooting a short film called waking up is a hard thing to do this morning...it's about separation...here are a few screen shots from it...

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