Sunday, December 25, 2005

happy holidays...i spent the day at my grandpa's farm...i fed a goat or two...

...i recomend 'the squid and the whale' for some holiday veiwing...i dug had a french new wave influence all over it, and i'm always down for that...rock on...

Friday, December 09, 2005

*ok...ok...there's a problem...but hey google video is in beta...and hell, it's free...but when eagle gets the bridgeburner site up there will be all kinds of shit on, you know...that's maybe this will be up soon...*

here you go...the bloodline teaser trailer i cut together while we were editing the movie...tell it to play it in it's origional size so it's not pixelated...have fun..

here is a screen cap from a stay gold video we shot a few months's in your face...go buy some of their here...

nick oberg showed me google's video service...i'm not sure how i missed it, but it's bad a...i hope to put a lot of stuff up...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

...i've finaly settled on this being done...time to move's the best looking short film i've ever's also kind of boring...very slow long shots...i like that sort of thing, but there is a bit much here...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

here you go, buy yourself an AFF shirt. all profits will go to buying me indian food.

completely uninterested? fair enough...then go read a funny blog entry.

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