Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i shot a performance given by a sociology/theatre class at berea college last night...the class wrote and performed their own short plays dealing with gender relations, and was a mixture of funny, sad, and intense...i'll hopefully have that edited and done with this week...

and if you have some time on your hands sundance put the bulk of their short film entries for this years fest online, which is very cool, so check them out here.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

nick oberg came by the place late last night...we had the thought of shooting a little short film but lost all of our actors under the sofa cushions...he the said that he's always wanted to make a video podcast...so we did...and i helped out...you can check it out by clicking it under the 'videos' section to the right...

...and here are some pics he took while we were making it...'behind the scenes snap-shots' if you will...

Friday, January 13, 2006

...here's a trailer for a cool short film nick oberg made called england y brazil...

...and something he and i worked on a little while back...

...now i'm off to see rushmore on the big screen...let's here it for the ky theatre...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

here's a larger version of the bloodline teaser trailer i cut while we were editing the film...

...here's the full trailer that eagle cut later that day...if you can find the old original trailers for friday the 13th, or halloween (or any movies from the era that ripped them off) watch them and see how well he imitated that style...

here's a super low res version or behind bloodline: the making of...bloodline. it's a montage of shots from all the footage that was shot of us shooting the movie that we made for the dvd...if you haven't watched bloodline stop watching this about 4 1/2 minutes in because i put the filming of one of the last scenes at the end...

...if you can, tell it to play the videos at thier origional size using the button at the bottom right corner...have fun...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

...the bloodline teaser is back up on google video...it's still not at the quality that i'd like, but i'm trying to tinker with it and strike a balance between good quality and a good sized file...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

...just a couple things...

...i shot this thing with nick oberg a few weeks back...we had some good times downtown (lexington)...it's called 'tonight, she died'...here's a screen cap, we might get the trailer up soon...if nick doesn't have it up already...

...in random news...i miss the hell out of new york...i feel the pain in my bones...and it doesn't look like i'll be back up there until march...f...here is my old view from when i was living in the east village...west down E 13th street...

...in other news my next project is now officialy a shot-by-shot remake of robocop...

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