Sunday, April 30, 2006 is a little trailer for the movie we've been working on...(in the end)...enjoy...

...i'm seeing youtube as decent (cheap) and cool way to throw stuff up on the web...i think you can go right to my account here...

...i'm a bit of a wes anderson i found this very funny...

Monday, April 24, 2006 it all of it's youtube glory...birthday express...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

...yeah, i have a movie to finish so it can be entered into a few film fests within the week...i know that...but i spent today making a'll be on the internet soon...just you wait and see...

...oberg has some pics from the day here... from oberg's myspace page: behind the scenes footage...up first is tyler warming up for a shot...

Get this video and more at we see him actually doing the shot, and nick missing is cue because he's messing with his camera...

Get this video and more at

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, i havn't poster on here in a while...sorry...i've had my head down...stuff has happend...the movie we shot last has a tittle (for the moment) the end...tyler wrote the score and he and i recorded it...the movie is getting cleaned up and almost ready to submit to a few fests coming up...

...and there's a new nick oberg show...i called him up and said 'nick, i've got an idea for a mom is in florida and i have to go feed her cats, meet me at her place'...we'll shoot it there...and somehow the thing ended up being like 10 minutes long...

**nick doesn't like that episode anymore...he's taken it down and it doesn't look like he's putting it back up...bummer..**

Friday, April 07, 2006

...we re-shot a scene yesterday afternoon that i thought could be better...and now it's all edited ...still needs a tittle...and the sound needs to be balanced...and it needs to be scored...but it's coming together really's a few more screencaps...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

...just finished's a few screen caps...need a tittle on...

i've spent the last two days shooting a movie with megan, tyler and john...all is going well...i'm taking a break from editing right now, it seemed like a good time to throw these up...screen caps soon...for now, nick took some snaps while we worked...there are more here and here...two more scenes to shoot tomorrow...

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