Monday, August 29, 2005


everything went well...we had a cool turnout...good times had by all...someome -i forget who- said bloodline reminded them of easy rider...that's an interesting comparison...i'll put some pics up when i get them...

nick sent me the pic below while i was gone -it's another shot from his short film england brazil...i think he should be done shooting it by now...i'll put a link up when he gets it on the web...

thank you to everyone that's been coming so often to check out the page...i appreciate it, and so do my partners in crime...the folks in va, mn and san diego that have been coming lately: drop me a line and let me know how ou found the place and if i know you...


Monday, August 22, 2005

bloodline premiere

for those interested, bloodline will premiere in ft smith ar, about 30 minutes away from where we shot the thing...the trip will have meant i've traveled a little over 3000 miles in a week, which in my opinion is the way to be...

if you want more info email me at

Sunday, August 21, 2005

oberg in the house

nick has sent me a screen shot and some info a project he's working on out in colorado. it's called england brazil, here's what he has to say about it:

"the film will cover the subjects of soccer & college. this is my first serious video so far, so it has been a bit tricky for me to do. but i feel like this is going in the right direction, for me. i don't expect this one to be that long, but we'll see. today was the first day that i have shot film for a movie out here in colorado, and it has startedoff really well [in my opinion]."

nick has put together some really funny stuff in the past, and you should check out his really well done page for more info on everything he does.

i returned from nyc last night...i'm not excited to be back, but i had fun while i was there...good productive times...i got to see eugene, he called me after seeing a little advance screening of bloodline and said he dug it...speaking of bloodline, i do belief that the premier will be this coming saturday at around 8pm or so in ft. smith ar...i'll have more info on that maybe tomorrow, so email me if you want to come at:

...p.s. but this record...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

day 4

the movie is (with the exception of a few minor tweaks) finished. jake reed was the first person to see it, and seemed to like it. the score eagle wrote turned out great, and took the movie to a new level. the trailer will be up soon, and a premier date will be announced in the next few weeks.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

day 4

we are pretty close to being finished with this thing...after some final touches on sound (both music and effects) and some tweaks here and there with the editing, we'll be about done. look for a web site link soon, and the trailer on there.

Friday, August 12, 2005

day 3

color correction done, and exceding expectations...sound is near done, it would be finished had we remembered all of the samples we needed...opening tittles are finished and pretty cool looking...tomarrow we hit the soundtrack hard...good times had by all...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

day 2

the cut of the film is pretty much final now...sound effects and color correction are the focus now...and chad repp wins the award for best enunciation...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

day 1

about a third of the film is cut together, it's going ok, and we're getting to the good parts...

Monday, August 08, 2005

over the next couple of days, we'll be putting the finishing touches on bloodline, which is very exciting. i'll be putting updates, pics, and screen shots up on here as we go, and eagle is putting together a website that will host the trailer in a few days. i'll stick that link up when it gets going, thanks for everyone's interest in this project, we hope you can see it soon...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

burn hollywood burn

my good friend and movie making partner eagle barber does freelance design while he's not make bad ass music or shit crazy films. for those that have emailed about the posters on the site, he designed the very bad ass blood line one. he's put up a new site for drifter design, you should check it out. click on the samples and take a gander at his work. i'm a big fan.

central kentucky film community??

nick oberg is this crazy cat from lexington. i met his brother nolan when i was going to berea college, and we ended up doing the 'play-by-play' of bc mountaineer basketball together for an audience of whoever was sitting at the score table -good times.

anyway, nick does lots of cool little short films, and lot of music stuff. he made this short film azubuike back in april, and you can check it out here. he cut it together on imovie, so you know he's down for the digital revolution. he also has a very cool personal site with all kinds of cool stuff on it: check it out.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

andy hard at work...

here's andy, hard at work on space cowboy 3000. he's all about the details.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

good looking out...

this looks like it could be a cool movie...

my trip to nyc will allow me to see this instead of waiting forever around here...i'm excited about that...

Monday, August 01, 2005

dogs and cats beware

bloodline is a horror film directed by eagle barber that i worked on with him back in the late spring. It's about some kids that go into the woods that was occupied by a crazy grounds keeper up until his recent firing. as you might have predicted they start disappearing and all hell breaks loose. we shot it in the middle of nowhere in arkansas in about a week or so, maybe a little more. it was a blast to work on, and just a great experience. i was the cinematographer, and used my panasonic dvx100A on the shoot.

i guess the news is that eagle is coming my way and we'll have it completely finished around the end of august or start september. i think that there will be a premiere of it in ft. smith arkansas, and possibly one near me. beyond that we've talked about a lot of different possibilities of getting it out there, so depending on how things turn out i'll let you know.

so, this sci-fi thing andy and i are working on, it's working title is space cowboy 3000. it's about a shoot first then forget to ask questions later dude called space cowboy, and his search for an ancient weapon that brings great power to those who wield it. sound like a generic sci-fi plot? good, that's what we're going for.

it's a lot of fun for me because i get to work on something effects driven, which i've never done, and because i get to work with andy on something that we would have made in the 7th grade had we the technology. well, i guess now we can use bad words and not get in trouble, so thats a plus. we're animating all of the shots in space in a program called lightwave -well, more precisely andy is, i just sit next to him and say "wait, we can do that?!"

we'll be green-screening actors into animated cockpits, and animating ships into live action settings. all and all it's been a lot of fun so far, and a huge learning experience. we're nearly to the point of shooting all the live action stuff, and as soon as we get the actors locked in i'll put some info on them up. the picture i put in with this is a wire-frame model andy made of one of the space pirate ships that space cowboy encounters on his journey.
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