so, this sci-fi thing andy and i are working on, it's working title is space cowboy 3000. it's about a shoot first then forget to ask questions later dude called space cowboy, and his search for an ancient weapon that brings great power to those who wield it. sound like a generic sci-fi plot? good, that's what we're going for.
it's a lot of fun for me because i get to work on something effects driven, which i've never done, and because i get to work with andy on something that we would have made in the 7th grade had we the technology. well, i guess now we can use bad words and not get in trouble, so thats a plus. we're animating all of the shots in space in a program called lightwave -well, more precisely andy is, i just sit next to him and say "wait, we can do that?!"
we'll be green-screening actors into animated cockpits, and animating ships into live action settings. all and all it's been a lot of fun so far, and a huge learning experience. we're nearly to the point of shooting all the live action stuff, and as soon as we get the actors locked in i'll put some info on them up. the picture i put in with this is a wire-frame model andy made of one of the space pirate ships that space cowboy encounters on his journey.
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